A car window was smashed and another vehicle had a windscreen wiper ripped off as vandals struck in a coastal town.

Police are seeking witnesses and are appealing for information after cars were damaged in separate damage incidents in Lowestoft.

A car parked on Diprose Drive in Lowestoft had its rear windscreen wiper pulled off at around 3am on Sunday, May 12 with the body work of the car also damaged.

Damage was also caused as a car parked in Whapload Road, Lowestoft had its front passenger window smashed at sometime between 3.05am and 3.10am on Thursday, May 9.

A police spokesman said: "Can you help?"

If you have any information about who caused the damage to these cars, please contact Suffolk police quoting crime reference numbers 37/26524/24 or 37/25639/24 respectively via 101.