A grandmother chased off a gang of teenagers down the street after they vandalised the gate to her home.

Gillian Mears, 70, of Kessingland, near Lowestoft, said the group of teenagers smashed her back gate on April 20.

Mrs Mears, who has four grandchildren, chased them down the street and her neighbours helped pursue them too.

Lowestoft Journal: Gillian Mears is living in fear that the youths will come and smash up her back gate againGillian Mears is living in fear that the youths will come and smash up her back gate again (Image: Denise Bradley)

She said: "I just saw red and lost the plot in a fit of rage and took to chasing the gang of youths down the street.

"Our neighbours came out of their houses to try and help me catch them, which was really nice.

"I called the police and only when I told them that if I got my hands on them I would ring their necks did they rock up.

"When they arrived they told me off for making that threat, which was not a threat it was me just venting my anger."

Lowestoft Journal: Gillian Mears chased the youths down the street after they smashed her gate upGillian Mears chased the youths down the street after they smashed her gate up (Image: Denise Bradley)Mrs Mears and husband John then had to fork out a large sum of money to have the gate repaired, only for the vandals to return again.

The youths later returned, Mr Mears, who is disabled, went to confront the gang who were damaging their property but fell over and hurt himself.

Mrs Mears then picked her husband up off the floor and called the police.

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The couple say the vandals completely destroyed the gate, again, and in total, they have had to pay £520 to have it fixed.

The couple also say they are "living in fear" that the group will return again.

Lowestoft Journal: Gillian Mears hopes the police can make arrests after the vandalism to her gateGillian Mears hopes the police can make arrests after the vandalism to her gate (Image: Denise Bradley)"Those evil kids just laughing at me and my husband makes me feel sick and full of despair with the next generation, I have no hope, their parents should be ashamed.

"My husband, who is not very mobile in his old age, had a nasty fall attempting to confront them," Mrs Mears said.

"I had to pick him off the floor and it was very distressing. Then to add to the misery we saw the damage to our gate which had been completely smashed in."

A Suffolk spokesman said: “The investigation is ongoing into the criminal damage and anti-social behaviour by a group of youths on April 20.

"If anyone has any information that could help our investigation they should contact us.

Please get in touch via the website https://www.suffolk.police.uk/tell-us  or call 101, quoting the crime reference 37/21782/24.”