Thieves drilled a door and tampered with a lock, but after failing to break in to a vehicle parked in a village they smashed a window and fled with numerous tools.

Police are seeking witnesses and are appealing for information in connection with the theft from a vehicle in Kessingland, Lowestoft.

Numerous tools were stolen from the vehicle parked in Kessingland over the bank holiday weekend.

A police spokesman said: "The vehicle parked in The Avenue was entered sometime between 4pm on Saturday, May 25 and 3pm on Tuesday, May 28.

"A door was drilled and lock tampered with in an attempt to gain entry.

"A window was smashed and tool boxes containing drills, batteries, an angle grinder and hand tools were stolen.

"Can you help?"

If you have any information about this theft, please contact Suffolk Police quoting crime reference number 37/29849/24 via 101.

Alternatively, you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers 100 per cent anonymously on 0800 555 111, or via their online form.