Labour’s Shadow Business Secretary, Jonathan Reynolds, pledged support for businesses in Lowestoft and Beccles this week.

Mr Reynolds visited the region on Tuesday as he met with local business owners and leaders to spell out how they would benefit from the Labour Party’s plans to grow the economy in partnership with business.

He was joined on his visit by Jess Asato, candidate for Lowestoft, as they met with James Cook, the owner of PCE Automation, which has operated in Beccles as a family-owned business since 1961.

With the company winning the King’s Award for Enterprise for recognition of its excellence in innovation in 2023, the Shadow Business and Trade Secretary, Mr Reynolds said: "I was delighted to see the cutting edge technology that is being produced at PCE in Beccles, alongside our candidate Jess Asato who I know is a strong supporter of local businesses across Lowestoft and Beccles."

Jess Asato, Labour’s parliamentary candidate for Lowestoft, said: "I was delighted to welcome Jonathan Reynolds to visit Beccles and see how a local family-owned business is striking out into the global market with its advanced engineering.

"Labour is now the natural party for business owners - we will grow our local economy by working in partnership with businesses, providing new job opportunities for our young people."

James Cook, Chief Executive Officer of PCE Automations, added: "We have been in the heart of the community for over 70 years, employing local community and putting Beccles on the map.

"It was fantastic to show Jonathan and Jess round our site, discuss our ambitious plans to grow and discuss some of the challenges businesses like ours face.

"Training apprentices, managing exports and innovation in the sector were just some of the things we discussed and I was pleased to discuss Labour's plans with Jonathan and Jess."