A Suffolk man has been given a suspended prison sentence after smashing his way into a neighbour’s conservatory and then threatening to kill her.

Reece Stewart was described as being in a "rage" when he smashed a glass door in the conservatory of the house in Clapham Road North, Lowestoft, with a metal pole.

Ipswich Crown Court heard last Friday that when the neighbour told him she had called the police, Stewart said he didn’t care and told her: "I’m going to f****** kill you."

Stewart eventually ran off after the woman said she had called a male friend who was on his way round.

Police officers who went to the house found a trail of blood spots which led to Stewart and a metal pole that was found close to where he was arrested.

Matthew Bagnall, prosecuting, said that earlier in the evening Stewart’s mother had gone round to the neighbour's house after Stewart had "kicked her out".

The neighbour told her to go home and tell Stewart he couldn't get away with treating her like that and it was shortly after the victim had gone to bed that Stewart had gone round and started banging on her windows.

Stewart, 31, of Clapham Road North, Lowestoft, admitted offences of criminal damage and affray which were committed on February 22.

He was given a 12 month prison sentence suspended for 18 months, a 20-day rehabilitation activity requirement, an alcohol treatment programme and a mental health treatment programme.

He was also banned from contacting the victim for two years and ordered to pay her compensation for the criminal damage.

Stephen Mather, for Stewart, said his client had been drunk and couldn’t remember much about what happened.

He said Stewart was prepared to co-operate with any orders made by the court.