Two Lowestoft primary schools have achieved the highest safeguarding award, the Platinum Plus Safeguarding Award.

Westwood Primary School and Grove Primary School, both part of The Active Learning Trust, were recognised for their exceptional performance in safeguarding by Incyte International.

To attain Platinum Plus, schools need to demonstrate excellence across a variety of assessment areas, including policy application, leadership quality, and efficacy of multi-agency links.

Both schools showcased impressive and innovative safeguarding practices, subsequently benefiting the welfare of their pupils.

This award is only given to organisations that can demonstrate exceptional performance across a broad range of evaluation areas This award is only given to organisations that can demonstrate exceptional performance across a broad range of evaluation areas (Image: Submitted)

The report commended the schools for establishing a culture that prioritises student safety and wellbeing.

It applauded their proactive strategies in aiding students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their efforts to foster partnerships with families and thoroughly comprehend the needs of their communities.

An important element was the collaboration between Westwood and Grove Primary Schools.

This partnership has significantly enhanced their safeguarding capabilities, promoting a strong culture of mutual care and support and improving their overall safeguarding frameworks.

Lynzey Holzer, chief executive officer of The Active Learning Trust, said: “In receiving the Platinum Plus award, both Westwood and Grove Primary Schools have set a remarkable standard for safeguarding excellence across the Trust.”