Repeated acts of vandalism have forced the closure of refurbished toilets in a Lowestoft park again.

There was joy earlier this year as public toilets that had been out of use for more than a decade in Fen Park, Kirkley reopened in February following a £50,000 refurbishment.

But just five days after a ceremonial cutting of toilet paper had marked the reopening of the toilet block, it had to be temporarily closed due to vandalism.

And now - for the second time in less than four months - the toilet block has had to be temporarily closed once more.

The sign up highlighting the temporary closure of the toilet block at Fen Park, Kirkley in Lowestoft following vandalism. Picture: Lowestoft Town CouncilThe sign up highlighting the temporary closure of the toilet block at Fen Park, Kirkley in Lowestoft following vandalism. Picture: Lowestoft Town Council (Image: Lowestoft Town Council)

A Lowestoft Town Council spokesman said: "It is once again disappointing to report that the toilet block in Fen Park has had to be closed again due to repeated acts of vandalism.

"Each repair takes resources away from works to maintain and improve our assets across the town.

"The toilet block will remain closed until further notice."

The town council had "invested around £50,000" to bring the facility back into use in Fen Park, Kirkley in south Lowestoft.

Having been completely refitted, a free to use single multi gendered toilet unit with baby changing facilities had been provided.

It is also accessible by users with disabilities, with the previous criminal damage incident in February - which was reported to Lowestoft police - happening internally.