With just a few days to go until voters hit the polls, the battle for Britain's most easterly seat is ramping up.

June Mummery, Reform UK. Picture: Mick HowesJune Mummery, Reform UK. Picture: Mick Howes (Image: Mick Howes)

Standing in the election for the Lowestoft constituency are Peter Aldous (Conservative), Jess Asato (Labour Party), Toby Hammond (Green Party), June Mummery (Reform UK) and Adam Robertson (Liberal Democrats).

Peter Aldous.Peter Aldous. (Image: Mick Howes)

Working for the "people of Lowestoft, Beccles, Carlton Colville, Kessingland and the villages" Mr Aldous' local agenda includes a plan to "secure a prosperous future for the area."

The 'Our Plan' election communication for the area states: "Peter will continue work to bring new jobs to the area.

"He will work to get the new James Paget Hospital built and to ensure good access to GPs, NHS Dentists and Pharmacists.

"He will work to secure fairer funding for schools and to ensure that people get the necessary skills for jobs.

"It is important that local people have a home of their own, Peter will work for this and see supporting infrastructure is provided.

"Finally to make it a priority to promote our high streets and attract inward investment."

Jess AsatoJess Asato (Image: Lowestoft Labour Party)

Election communication highlights Labour's Jess Asato's plan "to deliver for Lowestoft, Beccles and the villages" includes regenerating "our local towns" and connecting "our villages" through "decent public transport."

It also includes taking back "our streets by reducing crime", making "our towns and villages safer for everyone" and "seizing the opportunity of net zero for cheaper bills and a greener future."

Reform's June Mummery is a long-term campaigner for the British fishing industry, and passionate advocate for the "rejuvenation of coastal communities", she said she was "delighted" with the level of support she and Reform UK were receiving.

A "fully costed" local agenda includes - among other pledges - to reinstate the Lowestoft Air Show, improve the availability of dentists and doctors, repair potholes, restore Lowestoft's "once thriving fishing/processing" industry and more police on the streets.

On the Waveney Green Party website, Green Party candidate Toby Hammond said: "Lowestoft has so much going for it and should be the jewel in the crown of the area, but years of neglect and under-investment have caused much deprivation.

Toby HammondToby Hammond (Image: Submitted)

"It does not have to be this way.

"My vision is of a vibrant town with thriving businesses, high employment in the engineering, environmental and tourism sectors, and a protected natural environment."

Election communication from Adam Robertson states he "is determined to get a fair deal for Lowestoft."

Adam RobertsonAdam Robertson (Image: Adam Robertson)

As a "local candidate that cares about making this area a better place to live and work" he is "continually campaigning to improve access to GPs and dentists and for a fair deal for our NHS." 

Labour's Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions last week visited a Lowestoft care farm that is helping people get back into employment.

Liz Kendall, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, visited Lowestoft's Pathways Care Farm. Picture: Labour PartyLiz Kendall, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, visited Lowestoft's Pathways Care Farm. Picture: Labour Party (Image: Labour Party)

Liz Kendall highlighted the "huge role" that organisations like Pathways Care Farm in Lowestoft have "in helping people get the skills and confidence to get back to work".

The visit - part of a tour of key Labour battleground seats in the East of England - on Tuesday saw the Shadow Minister join Labour's Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Lowestoft, Jess Asato, at the care farm.

Pathways Care Farm, on Leonard Drive in Lowestoft, offers the chance for people to learn new skills and supports many back into work - with activities such as maintaining the machines, restoring the barn and looking after the animals.

Liz Kendall, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, and Jess Asato, walking alpacas at Lowestoft's Pathways Care Farm. Picture: Labour PartyLiz Kendall, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, and Jess Asato, walking alpacas at Lowestoft's Pathways Care Farm. Picture: Labour Party (Image: Labour Party)

As well as walking with the alpacas at the farm, Ms Kendall and Ms Asato met with people who volunteer at the farm and visit it regularly to hear how they are turning their lives around.

They learnt more about how being involved with Pathways has led back to employment and support for their personal health challenges.

Admitting it was an "inspiring afternoon in Lowestoft," Ms Kendall said: "Organisations like Pathways Care Farm have a huge role in helping people get the skills and confidence to get back to work."

Jess Asato, Labour’s Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Lowestoft, said: "Pathways Care Farm is a wonderful organisation which has a huge impact on the people who need its support.

"I’m delighted to have invited Liz Kendall to see first hand its role in supporting people with mental health and other conditions back into work."